The Williams Family

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Anna is 1 month old!

So I just finished monthly pictures with Ella and now it's time to start them with Anna. I can't believe she is one month old already! Time is flying by way too quickly. She has been such a good and easy baby so far. Likes routine and is pretty consistent and predictable which I love. She still loves to be swaddled pretty much all the time and loves loves loves her paci. She's a very efficient nurser which is great because with Ella around, it leaves me little time to sit around! She getting to be quite the little chunk...9lbs. 3oz. already! Ella was 9lbs. 2oz. at this age. Hopefully I'll be able to continue nursing for 12 months like I did with Ella. Fingers crossed! Anna is pretty much conforming to the Babywise plan which I'm loosely trying with her. She starts her day at 6, eats, has awake time, naps, and then does it all over again. We have a rough night here and there, but she's pretty much waking up once at night to eat. She's sleeping every night in her crib, which I think it great because it took me a long time to get Ella to do that. And she had her first smile last Weds. Melted my heart! :-)

I've been trying to figure out whether I think our two girls look's their one month pictures for comparison. I think they look the same from the nose down, but Anna's eyes are definitely different and her head is shaped a little differently. What do you think? (Fortunately my photography has improved somewhat in the past two years! :-))


Nancy Hood said...

they do look like sisters, but I agree, they differ; where I've always thought Ella looks a bit more like Keith, Anna reminds me of you ~ however! when I see pics of you as a little girl, Ella looks just like you :)