The Williams Family

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Frazer night at the Biscuits

We went to a Montgomery Biscuits game on Sunday evening with friends for the Frazer Night at the Biscuits. We weren't sure if we were going to make it because Ella came down with a cold (that Anna now has...darn!) on Friday. However, after loading her up with Tylenol we ended up heading down there because we had been telling her she was going to watch baseball all week and she would have been seriously disappointed. The weather was absolutely perfect (big shock for July in Alabama!) and we all had a great time. It must have totally worn Anna out because that's the night she slept through the night...maybe we should do it more often!
(Thanks for taking the last two pics Courtnie! :-))


Courtnie Johnson said...

Ahhh! I'm surprised they aren't super blurry!